Crisis intervention with Trembling Hands: My Reactions as a Helper in the Western Germany Floods
Blog Crisis Intervention with Trembling Hands: My Reactions as a Helper in the Western Germany Floods The following blog is a guest post written by Dr. Axenia Schäfer about using Alpha-Stim in Western Germany following devastating flooding. On the night of July 14, flash flooding decimated parts of Western Germany. The physical damage was immense, […]
The Dayton, Ohio Police Answered That Age Old Question, “Where is a Cop When You Need One?”
Article by The American Institute of Stress In just 24 seconds, the alert and capable heroes of the Dayton, Ohio Police Department saved countless lives from an Antifa affiliated mass murder. These first responders protect and serve us well, and American Institute of Stress Fellow and Editor of the Institute’s free Combat Stress magazine, COL […]