Stress & Pain Relief with Alpha-Stim: Col. Kathy Platoni & Robert Kallus
Jan 6, 2020 – Dr. Hoye with Chicago Psychology Podcast interviews Col. Kathy Platoni, a military psychologist, and Indiana Licensed Counselor Robert Kallus. They discuss the use and research of the Alpha-Stim device. The Alpha-Stim is a handheld, prescription medical device that is FDA cleared for anxiety, insomnia and pain only, with approval for depression outside of the United States.
This little device has a long history of research and development. The Alpha-Stim was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Daniel Kirsch. With over 100 clinical trials, including a recent ground-breaking study for anxiety in the UK, it is one of the most studied medical devices. You may have heard about it in interviews with people like decorated combat veteran Dakota Meyer.
Dr. Platoni discusses her use of the device in her civilian practice as well as her use of the Alpha-Stim in war zones with US combat troops to reduce stress and insomnia. She also discusses her research with the use of the Alpha-Stim device with first responders to reduce anxiety. Dr. Kallus likewise reports about his experience of client success with patients in his private practice.