On KPCW’s Cool Science Radio, hosts John Wells and Lynn Ware Peek discuss the latest in fascinating technology. Their goal is to help listeners understand complex topics by making them entertaining and accessible.
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Leah Harter, Director of Counseling at the Christian Center of Park City, recently joined John and Lynn to talk about the technology she employs at her practice to help her patients. Leah, like many other therapists and practitioners worldwide, relies on Alpha-Stim® to help her clients with their anxiety, insomnia, and depression:
“There is this little device called Alpha-Stim. You wear these clips on your earlobes and it sends the smallest electrical impulse, really tiny. It brings up the alpha waves, it helps your brain relax, and it brings down the delta waves, which will help with better sleep. It’s something clients can wear while they’re in session. Some clients have liked it so much that they have purchased their own units. It’s a great support for people.”
Leah practices what she preaches; she has personally used Alpha-Stim, saying “I’ve seen it and experienced it myself for just calming down and for sleeping better at night.”
John brings up the point that many people aren’t helped by, or choose not to take, traditional medications to treat their anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Leah confirms that Alpha-Stim is completely different from pharmaceuticals, and works by balancing the brain rather than altering the body’s chemistry the way medications do. Where drugs affect the body chemically, Alpha-Stim works with the body and brain electrically.
The hosts also discuss the misconception that Alpha-Stim is similar to ECT (electroconvulsive therapy.) The two modalities are completely different, as Leah explains. Alpha-Stim provides only “the tiniest microcurrent. As you’re wearing the unit you hardly know it’s there.” The beauty of Alpha-Stim’s patented waveform is that a little truly goes a long way. “The research on the smallest intensity shows its effectiveness.” Better still, results with Alpha-Stim are cumulative over time. The more you use it, the better you feel, and the less you’ll need it.
The group also touched upon the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on peoples’ mental health. According to Leah, most people have been in “survival mode” for the past year – as the pandemic begins to fade, the emotions will begin to sink in. John points out that the isolation of the past year means many people may be suffering at home. With Alpha-Stim, however, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your own home to reap the benefits. Although a prescription is required, you do not need to visit a doctor’s office for treatments.
Even though Cool Science focuses on “new” technology, Alpha-Stim has been changing lives for decades. It is FDA cleared and its effectiveness has been proven by more than 100 clinical research studies. Since Alpha-Stim is not a drug, there is no risk of addiction or lasting side effects. It is safe to use in conjunction with other treatment modalities, but is effective as a standalone treatment as well.
If you’re struggling with anxiety, insomnia, or depression, why wait? Get started today and see what Alpha-Stim can do for you!
About Alpha-Stim®
Alpha-Stim is an FDA cleared, handheld medical device that has been proven time and again to effectively treat acute, post-traumatic, and chronic pain, as well as anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Alpha-Stim uses cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), delivered through a patented waveform via two earclip electrodes, to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) delivers pain relief directly to the source of discomfort via two handheld Smart Probes.
The safety and effectiveness of Alpha-Stim is backed by over 100 independent clinical research studies. Unlike with medications, there is no risk of addiction or lasting side effects.
Alpha-Stim is available by prescription in the United States and over-the-counter in other countries. Get started today!