
Struggling First Responder Finds “Stupendous” Relief

Alpha-Stim Testimonials

First responders are the unsung heroes of our community. Paramedics, police officers, and firefighters are the first trained professionals to respond to an emergency. We seldom think of the risks they take every time they put on their uniform. Accidents, trauma, pain, loss, grief – possibly the worst day in our lives is the daily life of first responders. 

The cumulative toll on their mental health is enormous. If you are a first responder, you know how the stress of the job continues and accumulates over time. Even after the shift ends, you may find you’re struggling with anxiety, depression*, and getting a good night’s sleep.

What follows is one former first responder’s life-changing experience with Alpha-Stim to help relieve insomnia and anxiety. Read Dr. J.D. Rogers’ story and that of his physician Dr. Corrine Cherek below.

“Alpha-Stim Has Changed My Life”

“About five months ago, a colleague introduced me to Dr. Cherek, [who] was seeking volunteers to determine if Alpha-Stim is beneficial to first responders struggling with trauma and other mental and behavioral health issues. Dr. Cherek’s professional services focus on active and former first responders and their family members who are struggling with the effects of personal and vicarious anxiety, insomnia, pain, and other stressors.

After conducting an assessment, Dr. Cherek determined that I met the criteria for Alpha-Stim therapy.

My first session with Dr. Cherek commenced in April 2020. Approximately two weeks into our sessions, I began experiencing a cessation in the restlessness, irritability, and negative thinking that I would intermittently experience.

The benefit of including Alpha-Stim in our counseling sessions can be described in one word: Stupendous! At the beginning of week three, friends and professional colleagues began noticing an improvement in my disposition, evidenced by the unconscious whistling of a tune, singing, and initiating humorous exchanges.

What was most appreciated was the dramatic decrease in melancholia and stress. Even episodes of insomnia began to decrease. I had also begun experiencing an increase in energy levels as well as a clearer mind. There was also a quelling of negative fixations and ruminations. Alpha-Stim helped me to manage intrusive thoughts.

Alpha-Stim is a therapeutic intervention that I would recommend not only for first responders and their families but to any individuals struggling with trauma and other stressors…

Alpha-Stim has changed my life!”


The testimonial of Dr. Rogers is bolstered by the enthusiastic feedback from his prescribing physician, Dr. Corinne Cherek:

“As a grief and spiritual counselor, I work primarily with abuse, addiction, grief, loss, suicide, & trauma. I have witnessed a plethora of clients suffer immensely, many discouraged, and not wanting any more prescription medications.

When I was introduced to Alpha-Stim, the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting all of us. In 20 minutes [with Alpha-Stim], I felt as if I had meditated for several hours. I realized that I could use Alpha-Stim to cope with compassion fatigue[.].

I shared my experience with a colleague who was a former first responder. He had just experienced the deaths of several loved ones and was struggling. He agreed to be a test subject for me. Witnessing his transformation before my eyes was nothing less than a miracle…Between the two of us, he was receiving Alpha-Stim an average of 5-6 times per week. In a matter of weeks, he was whistling and making great progress.

As I shared the test subject’s results, especially with my first responder clients, they were willing to have a session that included Alpha-Stim. I have several firefighters and police officers who have highly benefited from Alpha-Stim, most in just one session. It is my hope and dream to find a way so that each first responder has an Alpha-Stim.”


Alpha-Stim has been proven time and again to relieve anxiety, insomnia, depression*, and pain safely and effectively. It is an FDA-cleared medical device, not a drug, there is no risk of addiction or lingering side effects that could interfere with your ability to perform your duties.

*FDA cleared for anxiety, insomnia, and pain only, with approval for depression outside of the United States.

Click here to learn more about Alpha-Stim for first responders >



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