US Declares Opioid Crisis a Health Emergency

The Solution is Available Now Using Modern American Technology As the United States government declares the ongoing opioid crisis a national public health emergency, all hope is not lost for patients who can not tolerate or do not want to go down the rabbit hole of using opioids. In fact, this technology promises to do […]

Own The Dash: Dakota Meyer’s Campaign to Inspire Others

Dakota Meyer, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Medal of Honor recipient and Alpha-Stim advocate, has started a new campaign called Own the Dash, inspiring others to take ownership of their lives. “Own the Dash is about owning your life, leaving a legacy and giving back more than you take. It’s about making the most of each […]

Why Alpha-Stim is An Excellent Option for Integrative Medicine

When you are battling pain, your primary goal is to just make it go away. If the pain persists or is reoccurring, you may begin to wonder if there is a deeper reason why it won’t go away—and that search for overall healing is just the start of integrative medicine. The American Association for Integrative […]

Alpha-Stim® Provides Excellent Alternative and Solution to Opioid Epidemic

Non-Invasive Medical Device Offers Fast, Safe & Effective Relief from Pain Without Drugs No matter the source, people in pain need relief. When a person is experiencing pain, they are frequently prescribed opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and methadone. According to the CDC, deaths from prescription opioids have more than quadrupled since 1999, and 91 […]

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