Business Insider: hedge-fund performance coach is recommending device to calm nerves during market stress

business insider article

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Avera Medical Minute: Alpha-Stim For Pain, Anxiety, Depression and PTSD

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KSFY – ABC NEWS) Melissa Taggart has found relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and depression by having a weekly treatment, recommended by her healthcare provider. The relief is so helpful, she schedules more activities the day after an Alpha-Stim treatment that normally would be debilitating. “It gives me about a twenty-four-hour window […]

Healing Hoof Steps Equine Therapy Brings Relief with Horses and Alpha-Stim

Northwest Florida is home to one of the most concentrated veteran populations in the United States: over 106,000 veterans reside there. Nearby, there are several active duty military bases, including Pensacola Naval Air Station, Tyndall AFB, Egling AFB, Duke Field, and Hurlburt Field. At the same time, 20% of residents in Okaloosa County experience major […]

Alpha-Stim Proven to Relieve Anxiety, Insomnia, and Depression Among First Responders

Firefighters, EMTs, police officers, and other crisis response professionals are inevitably and repeatedly exposed to traumatic events. Over time, the cumulative effects of these stressors, combined with a schedule disruptive to normal sleep patterns, leads to adverse effects on both the physical and mental wellbeing of first responders. A new study published in Jacobs Journal […]

A Unique Solution to Educator Burnout: Study Proves Alpha-Stim Improves Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, and Pain In Teachers

Ninety-three percent of teachers feel some degree of burnout.¹ When burnout becomes severe, teachers may become ineffective, emotionally exhausted, dissatisfied, negative, and pessimistic.² When the discontent becomes too much to bear, many teachers leave the profession. According to Ingersol, Merrill, and Stuckey, more than 41 percent of new teachers leave teaching within five years of […]

Tools to help law enforcement deal with stress and PTSD – ABC News

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Can Alpha-Stim Offer Aging Adults a Safer Choice for Pain Relief?

Alpha-Stim is safer option for older adults to relieve pain

The opioid crisis in the United States has been making headlines over and over again lately – and for good reason. According to the CDC, more than 700,000 people died from a drug overdose between 1999 and 2017, and the majority of drug overdose deaths in 2017 involved opioids. Although opioids have become a villain […]

Cranial electrostimulation and anxiety

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