Inspiring New Book Features Alpha-Stim® as Key to a Dog’s Recovery

A dog with rear legs in wheelchair

Nobody Told Me My Legs Don’t Work: Journey of a Down Dog is the remarkable true story about a golden retriever named Keegan and her two devoted humans, Travis and Renea Yates. After suffering a spinal stroke, Keegan was left paralyzed from the shoulders down – but Travis and Renea refused to give up hope […]

Author’s Bias Evident in Political Review to Deny Benefits to Veterans


Rebuttal to: Evidence Insufficient to Support Cranial Stimulation for Chronic Pain. PMN, July 26, 1018 The recent article titled, Evidence Insufficient to Support Cranial Stimulation (sic) for Chronic Pain, Pain Medicine News, July 26, 1018 was a summary of the review article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine titled, Benefits and Harms of Cranial […]

Why Alpha-Stim is An Excellent Option for Integrative Medicine

When you are battling pain, your primary goal is to just make it go away. If the pain persists or is reoccurring, you may begin to wonder if there is a deeper reason why it won’t go away—and that search for overall healing is just the start of integrative medicine. The American Association for Integrative […]

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