Alpha-Stim Offers Relief for Medication-Sensitive Individual

Blog Alpha-Stim Offers Relief for Medication-Sensitive Individual Alpha-Stim Testimonials Many people struggle to find the right treatment for anxiety, insomnia, depression*, or pain. It can take a bit of trial and error. Sometimes it’s a mix of your doctor’s recommendations and doing one’s own research. And for people who are sensitive to the effects […]
Crisis intervention with Trembling Hands: My Reactions as a Helper in the Western Germany Floods

Blog Crisis Intervention with Trembling Hands: My Reactions as a Helper in the Western Germany Floods The following blog is a guest post written by Dr. Axenia Schäfer about using Alpha-Stim in Western Germany following devastating flooding. On the night of July 14, flash flooding decimated parts of Western Germany. The physical damage was immense, […]
I Tried Alpha-Stim: Here is my Honest Review Current Body Article

By Amy Nicholson; original article at Did you know that with the help of innovative technologies, there’s now a completely natural way to treat anxiety, insomnia and depression without medication? Introducing the Alpha-Stim AID Device. This wearable device calms and relaxes the body by sending tiny electric currents through earclips, increasing the frequency of […]
Chicago Psychology Podcast on Alpha-Stim
Stress & Pain Relief with Alpha-Stim: Col. Kathy Platoni & Robert Kallus Jan 6, 2020 – Dr. Hoye with Chicago Psychology Podcast interviews Col. Kathy Platoni, a military psychologist, and Indiana Licensed Counselor Robert Kallus. They discuss the use and research of the Alpha-Stim device. The Alpha-Stim is a handheld, prescription medical device that is […]
Business Insider: hedge-fund performance coach is recommending device to calm nerves during market stress
Business Insider recently published an article about traders using Alpha-Stim to decrease workplace stress and anxiety, allowing them to “stay in the eye of the storm.” One hedge fund manager talks about how he uses the device regularly, both in the office during the trading day and in the evening when he wants to relax. Read […]
Veteran Breaks the Vicious Cycle of Chronic Pain with Alpha-Stim
Chronic pain can have a massive impact on your quality of life. The burden of dealing with long-term pain can affect not just your physical wellbeing but your mental health as well, leading to depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. Pain puts us in a bad mood, and the tension from being in a bad mood […]
Twin Cities Live: Alpha-Stim is a Powerful Tool to Treat Dental Anxiety
Blog Twin Cities Live: Alpha-Stim is a Powerful Tool to Treat Dental Anxiety Many people – nearly 50%, in fact – experience anxiety around visits to the dentist; far from being uncommon, dental anxiety is a very real issue that can be daunting enough to prevent people from getting the care they need. But did […]
The Dayton, Ohio Police Answered That Age Old Question, “Where is a Cop When You Need One?”
Article by The American Institute of Stress In just 24 seconds, the alert and capable heroes of the Dayton, Ohio Police Department saved countless lives from an Antifa affiliated mass murder. These first responders protect and serve us well, and American Institute of Stress Fellow and Editor of the Institute’s free Combat Stress magazine, COL […]
Alpha-Stim Can Help Veterans and Service Members Better Treat Pain and Mental Health
Blog Alpha-Stim Can Help Veterans and Service Members Better Treat Pain and Mental Health Military men and women often face physical and mental health struggles as a direct result of their service. They may sustain physical injuries during training or combat that can lead to acute or chronic pain. According to the VA, “Chronic pain […]
Alpha-Stim® Relieves More than Just Anxiety at the Dentist: It Treats Dental Pain, Too
Many people suffer from dentist-related anxiety. In fact, as many as 20% of Americans avoid the dentist altogether, as a result of their anxiety or fear. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. Alpha-Stim® is an FDA cleared, handheld medical device that is proven to bring fast, safe, and […]