Healing Hoof Steps Equine Therapy Brings Relief with Horses and Alpha-Stim

Northwest Florida is home to one of the most concentrated veteran populations in the United States: over 106,000 veterans reside there. Nearby, there are several active duty military bases, including Pensacola Naval Air Station, Tyndall AFB, Egling AFB, Duke Field, and Hurlburt Field. At the same time, 20% of residents in Okaloosa County experience major […]

Alpha-Stim Proven to Relieve Anxiety, Insomnia, and Depression Among First Responders

Firefighters, EMTs, police officers, and other crisis response professionals are inevitably and repeatedly exposed to traumatic events. Over time, the cumulative effects of these stressors, combined with a schedule disruptive to normal sleep patterns, leads to adverse effects on both the physical and mental wellbeing of first responders. A new study published in Jacobs Journal […]

A Unique Solution to Educator Burnout: Study Proves Alpha-Stim Improves Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, and Pain In Teachers

Ninety-three percent of teachers feel some degree of burnout.¹ When burnout becomes severe, teachers may become ineffective, emotionally exhausted, dissatisfied, negative, and pessimistic.² When the discontent becomes too much to bear, many teachers leave the profession. According to Ingersol, Merrill, and Stuckey, more than 41 percent of new teachers leave teaching within five years of […]

Alpha-Stim® is an Integral Part of the Healing Program for Invisible Wounds of War

Logo for Fallen Heroes Fund

In 2010, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund undertook the initiative to build multiple facilities at which military personnel can heal from the traumas of combat. Called Intrepid Spirit Centers, these satellite locations of the National Intrepid Center of Excellence employ a multidisciplinary approach to care, which, according to the Fund, “has enabled more than 90% […]

Radio Interview: Dayton Police Using Brain Stimulation To Reduce Stress

A dispatcher uses Alpha-Stim

Nov 2018 – Ann Thompson with Cincinnati WVXU radio did an interview with Dayton Police Department Chief Richard Biehl and Dayton Police Psychologist Kathy Platoni.  A third of Dayton’s police force is part of a pilot study to reduce stress using brain stimulation. One hundred  officers are now in the fourth week of a six-week […]

Dayton, OH Police Participate in Alpha-Stim® Research Study

Logo of Dayton Fraternal Order of Police

Work related burnout, “compassion fatigue,” and mood and sleep disorders are all issues endured by law enforcement professionals. Given the challenges faced everyday on the job, it’s no wonder that police officers bear indisputably high levels of stress. The National Institute of Justice reports that inadequate or outdated equipment, rotating shifts, and ever-changing duties and […]

EEG Study at Walter Reed Medical Proves Alpha-Stim Significantly Effective

Walter Reed Medical Center Logo

A new study from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s Psychiatry Continuity Service has proven that a 20 minute session with the Alpha-Stim AID® brings clinically significant results. The subjects in the study were active duty military members who suffered from depression* and sleep problems, as well as other trauma-related symptoms. The fifty subjects received […]

Army Medical Center Uses Alpha-Stim® As Key Part of Holistic Approach

Alpha-Stim in use by Soldier

William Beaumont Army Medical Center has been a leader in pain management innovations since the early 2000’s, when the global war on terror began. WBAMC pioneered “the first alternative medicine center in the Department of Defense,” according to special project officer COL Richard Petri, MD. Chronic pain and subsequent opioid use are common among troops […]

Alpha-Stim® Praised in USA Today Expert Panel on Opioid Crisis

USA today logo

USA Today recently sponsored a panel of experts in the field of substance abuse to share their insights on the nation’s ongoing opioid crisis. Part of the USA Today Opioid campaign, the purpose of the panel was to shed light on the scope of the stigma attached to addiction, and to discuss innovative solutions. Expert […]

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